Beside Still Waters…
Since 2015, I have explored my childhood passion of creativity through painting, illustrating and design. I was on the verge of turning 40 and thinking I wasn’t doing the things I said I loved to do; painting and being outside.
I began painting as a creative outlet away from a job that had me constantly in front of a computer. What I began to find were paths that took me in certain directions - paths that were sometimes difficult, but always leading me to something I was enjoying more than I could have ever imagined. I began to see this internal pull to creativity as something that had been in me since I was a kid. I never imagined that I would be painting as much as I am now and for folks around the world. I’m beyond grateful for every bit of support!
These paths also led me to the game of golf - a game that I never saw being a big part of my life. I loved the game of golf, but never had the time, money or passion to be good enough to really enjoy it. I still don’t have much of those ingredients except for the PASSION side of it and now I even enjoy it without being good! This is new and mostly due to the PEOPLE that I’ve been able to meet and enjoy playing the game with. The PEOPLE have been the literal game-changer.
My journey began with a few small paintings while sitting on my couch at the end of a long day on my computer and progressed to having pieces published on a golf travel blog, to being on Seamus headcovers carried by Matt Kuchar around Augusta National, to published art work in Caddie Magazine, Catalogue18, and McKellar Magazine; to a mural painted in downtown San Francisco; to being hung on the walls of friends and golfers across the world!
I believe I have been lead too, called too and stepped into a journey that God had prepared for me. Everyday is a challenge for me to overcome fears that have kept my creativity squashed for most of my life, but now I feel as though God is putting people along my journey to carry me in some cases and push me in other instances.. Those people have become friends, fellow journeymen, mentors and inspirations.
Thank you all for stopping by and for taking a minute to hear just a brief bit of my story. Your support and interest means the world to me and keeps pushing me along the path!
See you on the course!!

Who knows where my next steps will lead, but I’m grateful to just be in the adventure.
I hope my art and my story inspire you to seek your adventure, your passion and your calling. I didn’t think I had one, but I can clearly remember back to putting that first paint stroke on paper some time in 2015 and knowing something was about to change.